Package s3 :: Module s3aaa :: Class AuthS3
[frames] | no frames]

Class AuthS3

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S3 extensions of the class

- override:
    - __init__
    - define_tables
    - login_bare
    - set_cookie
    - login
    - register
    - email_reset_password
    - verify_email
    - profile
    - has_membership
    - requires_membership

- S3 extension for user registration:
    - s3_register_validation
    - s3_user_register_onaccept

- S3 extension for user administration:
    - configure_user_fields
    - s3_verify_user
    - s3_approve_user
    - s3_link_user
    - s3_user_profile_onaccept
    - s3_link_to_person
    - s3_link_to_organisation
    - s3_link_to_human_resource
    - s3_link_to_member
    - s3_approver

- S3 custom authentication methods:
    - s3_impersonate
    - s3_logged_in

- S3 user role management:
    - get_system_roles
    - s3_set_roles
    - s3_create_role
    - s3_delete_role
    - s3_assign_role
    - s3_withdraw_role
    - s3_has_role
    - s3_group_members

- S3 ACL management:
    - s3_update_acls

- S3 user identification helpers:
    - s3_get_user_id
    - s3_user_pe_id
    - s3_logged_in_person
    - s3_logged_in_human_resource

- S3 core authorization methods:
    - s3_has_permission
    - s3_accessible_query

- S3 variants of web2py authorization methods:
    - s3_has_membership
    - s3_requires_membership

- S3 record ownership methods:
    - s3_make_session_owner
    - s3_session_owns
    - s3_set_record_owner

Instance Methods
Initialise parent class & make any necessary modifications
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define_tables(self, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False)
to be called unless tables are defined manually
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login_bare(self, username, password)
Logs user in
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Set a Cookie to the client browser so that we know this user has registered & so we should present them with a login form instead of a register form
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login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, inline=False, lost_pw_link=None, register_link=True)
Overrides Web2Py's login() to use custom flash styles & utcnow
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change_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
Returns a form that lets the user change password
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reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
Returns a form to reset the user password, overrides web2py's version of the method to not swallow the _next var.
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request_reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
Returns a form to reset the user password, overrides web2py's version of the method to apply Eden formstyles.
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login_user(self, user)
Log the user in...
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register(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, js_validation=True)
Overrides Web2Py's register() to add new functionality:
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email_reset_password(self, user)
Overrides Web2Py's email_reset_password() to modify the message structure
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add_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None, entity=None)
gives user_id membership of group_id or role if user is None than user_id is that of current logged in user S3: extended to support Entities
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verify_email(self, next=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
action user to verify the registration email, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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profile(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)
returns a form that lets the user change his/her profile
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configure_user_fields(self, pe_ids=None)
Configure User Fields - for registration & user administration
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s3_import_prep(self, data)
Called when users are imported from CSV
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auth_user_onaccept(self, email, user_id) source code
s3_register_onaccept(self, form)
S3 framework function
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s3_user_register_onaccept(self, form)
S3 framework function
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s3_verify_user(self, user)
" Designed to be called when a user is verified through:
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s3_approve_user(self, user, password=None)
S3 framework function
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s3_link_user(self, user)
S3 framework function
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s3_link_to_person(self, user=None, organisation_id=None)
Links user accounts to person registry entries
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s3_link_to_organisation(self, user)
Link a user account to an organisation
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s3_link_to_org_group(self, user, person_id)
Link a user account to an organisation group
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s3_link_to_human_resource(self, user, person_id, hr_type)
Take ownership of the HR records of the person record
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s3_link_to_member(self, user, person_id=None)
Link to a member Record
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s3_approver(self, user)
Returns the Approver for a new Registration & the organisation_id field
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s3_send_welcome_email(self, user, password=None)
Send a welcome mail to newly-registered users - especially suitable for users from Facebook/Google who don't verify their emails
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s3_impersonate(self, user_id)
S3 framework function
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Check whether the user is currently logged-in...
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Get the IDs of the session roles by their UIDs, and store them in the current session, as these IDs should never change.
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Get the pe_ids of all managed organisations (to authorize role assignments)
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Update pe_id, roles and realms for the current user
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s3_create_role(self, role, description=None, *acls, **args)
Back-end method to create roles with ACLs
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s3_delete_role(self, role_id)
Remove a role from the system.
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s3_assign_role(self, user_id, group_id, for_pe=None)
Assigns a role to a user (add the user to a user group)
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s3_withdraw_role(self, user_id, group_id, for_pe=None)
Removes a role assignment from a user account
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s3_get_roles(self, user_id, for_pe=DEFAULT)
Lookup all roles which have been assigned to user for an entity
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s3_has_role(self, role, for_pe=None)
Check whether the currently logged-in user has a certain role (auth_group membership).
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s3_has_roles(self, roles, for_pe=None, all=False)
Check whether the currently logged-in user has at least one out of a set of roles (or all of them, with all=True)
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s3_group_members(self, group_id, for_pe=DEFAULT)
Get a list of members of a group
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s3_delegate_role(self, group_id, entity, receiver=None, role=None, role_type=None)
Delegate a role (auth_group) from one entity to another
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s3_remove_delegation(self, group_id, entity, receiver=None, role=None)
Remove a delegation.
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s3_get_delegations(self, entity, role_type=0, by_role=False)
Lookup delegations for an entity, ordered either by receiver (by_role=False) or by affiliation role (by_role=True)
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s3_update_acls(self, role, *acls)
Wrapper for permission.update_acl to allow batch updating
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s3_get_user_id(self, person_id=None, pe_id=None)
Get the user_id for a person_id
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s3_user_pe_id(self, user_id)
Get the person pe_id for a user ID
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s3_bulk_user_pe_id(self, user_ids)
Get the list of person pe_id for list of user_ids
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Get the person record ID for the current logged-in user
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Get the first HR record ID for the current logged-in user
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s3_has_permission(self, method, table, record_id=None, c=None, f=None)
S3 framework function to define whether a user can access a record in manner "method".
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s3_accessible_query(self, method, table, c=None, f=None)
Returns a query with all accessible records for the currently logged-in user
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s3_has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)
Checks if user is member of group_id or role
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has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)
Checks if user is member of group_id or role
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s3_requires_membership(self, role)
Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id.
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requires_membership(self, role)
Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id.
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s3_make_session_owner(self, table, record_id)
Makes the current session owner of a record
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s3_session_owns(self, table, record_id)
Checks whether the current session owns a record
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s3_clear_session_ownership(self, table=None, record_id=None)
Removes session ownership for a record
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s3_update_record_owner(self, table, record, update=False, **fields)
Update ownership fields in a record (DRY helper method for s3_set_record_owner and set_realm_entity)
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s3_set_record_owner(self, table, record, force_update=False, **fields)
Set the record owned_by_user, owned_by_group and realm_entity for a record (auto-detect values).
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set_realm_entity(self, table, records, entity=0, force_update=False)
Update the realm entity for records, will also update the realm in all configured realm-entities, see:
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get_realm_entity(self, table, record, entity=0)
Lookup the realm entity for a record
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update_shared_fields(self, table, record, **data)
Update the shared fields in data in all super-entity rows linked with this record.
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permitted_facilities(self, table=None, error_msg=None, redirect_on_error=True, facility_type=None)
If there are no facilities that the user has permission for, prevents create & update of records in table & gives a warning if the user tries to.
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permitted_organisations(self, table=None, error_msg=None, redirect_on_error=True)
If there are no organisations that the user has update permission for, prevents create & update of a record in table & gives an warning if the user tries to.
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Return the current user's root organisation ID or None
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Return the current user's root organisation name or None
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filter_by_root_org(self, table)
Function to return a query to filter a table to only display results for the user's root org OR record with no root org
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Static Methods
JavaScript client-side validation for Registration / User profile...
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Update the UI locale from user profile
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Class Variables
Method Details


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Initialise parent class & make any necessary modifications

define_tables(self, migrate=True, fake_migrate=False)

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to be called unless tables are defined manually


   # defines all needed tables and table files
   # UUID + "_auth_user.table", ...

   # defines all needed tables and table files
   # "myprefix_auth_user.table", ...

   # defines all needed tables without migration/table files

login_bare(self, username, password)

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Logs user in

  • extended to understand session.s3.roles


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Set a Cookie to the client browser so that we know this user has registered & so we should present them with a login form instead of a register form

login(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, inline=False, lost_pw_link=None, register_link=True)

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Overrides Web2Py's login() to use custom flash styles & utcnow

a login form

change_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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Returns a form that lets the user change password

reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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Returns a form to reset the user password, overrides web2py's version of the method to not swallow the _next var.

request_reset_password(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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Returns a form to reset the user password, overrides web2py's version of the method to apply Eden formstyles.

  • next - URL to redirect to after successful form submission
  • onvalidation - callback to validate password reset form
  • onaccept - callback to post-process password reset request
  • log - event description for the log (string)

login_user(self, user)

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Log the user in
- common function called by login() & register()

register(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT, js_validation=True)

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Overrides Web2Py's register() to add new functionality:

  • Checks whether registration is permitted
  • Custom Flash styles
  • Allow form to be embedded in other pages
  • Optional addition of Mobile Phone field to the Register form
  • Optional addition of Organisation field to the Register form
  • Lookup Domains/Organisations to check for Whitelists &/or custom Approver
a registration form

email_reset_password(self, user)

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Overrides Web2Py's email_reset_password() to modify the message structure

  • user - the auth_user record (Row)

add_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None, entity=None)

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gives user_id membership of group_id or role if user is None than user_id is that of current logged in user S3: extended to support Entities

verify_email(self, next=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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action user to verify the registration email, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

.. method:: Auth.verify_email([next=DEFAULT [, onvalidation=DEFAULT
    [, log=DEFAULT]]])

profile(self, next=DEFAULT, onvalidation=DEFAULT, onaccept=DEFAULT, log=DEFAULT)

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returns a form that lets the user change his/her profile

.. method:: Auth.profile([next=DEFAULT [, onvalidation=DEFAULT
    [, onaccept=DEFAULT [, log=DEFAULT]]]])

Patched for S3 to use s3_mark_required and handle opt_in mailing lists

configure_user_fields(self, pe_ids=None)

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Configure User Fields - for registration & user administration

pe_ids: an optional list of pe_ids for the Org Filter
        i.e. org_admin coming from

s3_import_prep(self, data)

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Called when users are imported from CSV

Lookups Pseudo-reference Integer fields from Names e.g.: auth_membership.pe_id from<Org Name>

Static Method

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JavaScript client-side validation for Registration / User profile
- needed to check for passwords being same, etc

auth_user_onaccept(self, email, user_id)

source code 

s3_register_onaccept(self, form)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be called when a user is created through:

  • registration via OAuth, LDAP, etc

Does the following:

  • Sets session.auth.user for authorstamp, etc
  • Approves user (to set registration groups, such as AUTHENTICATED, link to Person)

s3_user_register_onaccept(self, form)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be called when a user is created through:

  • registration

Does the following:

  • Stores the user's email & profile image in auth_user_temp to be added to their person record when created on approval

To Do: If these fields are implemented with the InlineForms functionality, this function may become redundant

s3_verify_user(self, user)

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" Designed to be called when a user is verified through:

  • responding to their verification email
  • if verification isn't required

Does the following:

  • Sends a message to the approver to notify them if a user needs approval
  • If deployment_settings.auth.always_notify_approver = True, send them notification regardless
  • If approval isn't required - calls s3_approve_user

@returns boolean - if the user has been approved

s3_approve_user(self, user, password=None)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be called when a user is created through:

  • prepop
  • approved automatically during registration
  • approved by admin
  • added by admin
  • updated by admin

Does the following:

  • Adds user to the 'Authenticated' role
  • Adds any default roles for the user
  • @ToDo: adds them to the Org_x Access role
  • user - the user Storage() or Row
  • password - optional password to include in a custom welcome_email

s3_link_user(self, user)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be called when a user is created & approved through:

  • prepop
  • approved automatically during registration
  • approved by admin
  • added by admin
  • updated by admin

Does the following:

  • Calls s3_link_to_organisation: Creates (if not existing) User's Organisation and links User
  • Calls s3_link_to_person: Creates (if not existing) User's Person Record and links User
  • Calls s3_link_to_human_resource: Creates (if not existing) User's Human Resource Record and links User
  • Calls s3_link_to_member

Static Method

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Update the UI locale from user profile

s3_link_to_person(self, user=None, organisation_id=None)

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Links user accounts to person registry entries

@param user: the user record
@param organisation_id: the user's organisation_id
                        to get the person's realm_entity

Policy for linking to pre-existing person records:

If this user is already linked to a person record with a different
first_name, last_name, email or realm_entity these will be
updated to those of the user.

If a person record with exactly the same first name and
last name exists, which has a contact information record
with exactly the same email address as used in the user
account, and is not linked to another user account, then
this person record will be linked to this user account.

Otherwise, a new person record is created, and a new email
contact record with the email address from the user record
is registered for that person.

s3_link_to_organisation(self, user)

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Link a user account to an organisation

  • user - the user account record

s3_link_to_org_group(self, user, person_id)

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Link a user account to an organisation group

  • user - the user account record
  • person_id - the person record ID associated with this user

s3_link_to_human_resource(self, user, person_id, hr_type)

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Take ownership of the HR records of the person record

To Do: Add user to the Org Access role.

s3_link_to_member(self, user, person_id=None)

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Link to a member Record

s3_approver(self, user)

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Returns the Approver for a new Registration &
the organisation_id field

@param: user - the user record (form.vars when done direct)
@ToDo: Support multiple approvers per Org - via Org Admin (or specific Role?)
       Split into separate functions to returning approver & finding users' org from auth_organisations

@returns approver, organisation_id - if approver = False, user is automatically approved by whitelist

s3_send_welcome_email(self, user, password=None)

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Send a welcome mail to newly-registered users
- especially suitable for users from Facebook/Google who don't
  verify their emails

@param user: the user dict, must contain "email", and can
             contain "language" for translation of the message
@param password: optional password to include in a custom welcome_email

s3_impersonate(self, user_id)

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S3 framework function

Designed to be used within tasks, which are run in a separate request & hence don't have access to current.auth

  • user_id - or


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Check whether the user is currently logged-in
- tries Basic if not


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Get the IDs of the session roles by their UIDs, and store them in the current session, as these IDs should never change.


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Get the pe_ids of all managed organisations (to authorize role assignments)

TODO use this in admin/user controller


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Update pe_id, roles and realms for the current user

s3_create_role(self, role, description=None, *acls, **args)

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Back-end method to create roles with ACLs

  • role - display name for the role
  • description - description of the role (optional)
  • acls - list of initial ACLs to assign to this role
  • args - keyword arguments (see below)
  • name - a unique name for the role
  • hidden - hide this role completely from the RoleManager
  • system - role can be assigned, but neither modified nor deleted in the RoleManager
  • protected - role can be assigned and edited, but not deleted in the RoleManager

s3_delete_role(self, role_id)

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Remove a role from the system.

  • role_id - the ID or UID of the role

Note: protected roles cannot be deleted with this function, need to reset the protected-flag first to override

s3_assign_role(self, user_id, group_id, for_pe=None)

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Assigns a role to a user (add the user to a user group)

@param user_id: the record ID of the user account
@param group_id: the record ID(s)/UID(s) of the group
@param for_pe: the person entity (pe_id) to restrict the group
               membership to, possible values:

               - None: use default realm (entities the user is
                 affiliated with)
               - 0: site-wide realm (no entity-restriction)
               - X: restrict to records owned by entity X

@note: strings are assumed to be group UIDs
@note: for_pe will be ignored for ADMIN, ANONYMOUS and AUTHENTICATED

s3_withdraw_role(self, user_id, group_id, for_pe=None)

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Removes a role assignment from a user account

@param user_id: the record ID of the user account
@param group_id: the record ID(s)/UID(s) of the role
@param for_pe: only remove the group membership for this
               realm, possible values:

               - None: only remove for the default realm
               - 0: only remove for the site-wide realm
               - X: only remove for entity X
               - []: remove for any realms

@note: strings are assumed to be role UIDs

s3_get_roles(self, user_id, for_pe=DEFAULT)

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Lookup all roles which have been assigned to user for an entity

  • user_id - the user_id
  • for_pe - the entity (pe_id) or list of entities

s3_has_role(self, role, for_pe=None)

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Check whether the currently logged-in user has a certain role (auth_group membership).

  • role - the record ID or UID of the role
  • for_pe - check for this particular realm, possible values:

    None - for any entity 0 - site-wide X - for entity X

s3_has_roles(self, roles, for_pe=None, all=False)

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Check whether the currently logged-in user has at least one out of a set of roles (or all of them, with all=True)

  • roles - list|tuple|set of role IDs or UIDs
  • for_pe - check for this particular realm, possible values: None - for any entity 0 - site-wide X - for entity X
  • all - check whether the user has all of the roles

s3_group_members(self, group_id, for_pe=DEFAULT)

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Get a list of members of a group

  • group_id - the group record ID
  • for_pe - show only group members for this PE
a list of the user_ids for members of a group

s3_delegate_role(self, group_id, entity, receiver=None, role=None, role_type=None)

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Delegate a role (auth_group) from one entity to another

  • group_id - the role ID or UID (or a list of either)
  • entity - the delegating entity
  • receiver - the pe_id of the receiving entity (or a list of pe_ids)
  • role - the affiliation role
  • role_type - the role type for the affiliation role (default=9)
  • if role is None, a new role of role_type 0 will be created for each entity in receiver and used for the delegation (1:1 delegation)
  • if both receiver and role are specified, the delegation will add all receivers to this role and create a 1:N delegation to this role. If the role does not exist, it will be created (using the given role type)

s3_remove_delegation(self, group_id, entity, receiver=None, role=None)

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Remove a delegation.

  • group_id - the auth_group ID or UID (or a list of either)
  • entity - the delegating entity
  • receiver - the receiving entity
  • role - the affiliation role
  • if receiver is specified, only 1:1 delegations (to role_type 0) will be removed, but not 1:N delegations => to remove for 1:N you must specify the role instead of the receiver
  • if both receiver and role are None, all delegations with this group_id will be removed for the entity

s3_get_delegations(self, entity, role_type=0, by_role=False)

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Lookup delegations for an entity, ordered either by receiver (by_role=False) or by affiliation role (by_role=True)

  • entity - the delegating entity (pe_id)
  • role_type - limit the lookup to this affiliation role type, (can use 0 to lookup 1:1 delegations)
  • by_role - group by affiliation roles
a Storage {<receiver>: [group_ids]}, or a Storage {<rolename>: {entities:[pe_ids], groups:[group_ids]}}

s3_update_acls(self, role, *acls)

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Wrapper for permission.update_acl to allow batch updating

s3_get_user_id(self, person_id=None, pe_id=None)

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Get the user_id for a person_id

  • person_id - the pr_person record ID, or a user email address
  • pe_id - the person entity ID, alternatively

s3_user_pe_id(self, user_id)

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Get the person pe_id for a user ID

  • user_id - the user ID

s3_bulk_user_pe_id(self, user_ids)

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Get the list of person pe_id for list of user_ids

  • user_id - list of user IDs


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Get the person record ID for the current logged-in user


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Get the first HR record ID for the current logged-in user

s3_has_permission(self, method, table, record_id=None, c=None, f=None)

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S3 framework function to define whether a user can access a record in manner "method". Designed to be called from the RESTlike controller.

  • method - the access method as string, one of "create", "read", "update", "delete"
  • table - the table or tablename
  • record_id - the record ID (if any)
  • c - the controller name (overrides current.request)
  • f - the function name (overrides current.request)

s3_accessible_query(self, method, table, c=None, f=None)

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Returns a query with all accessible records for the currently logged-in user

  • method - the access method as string, one of: "create", "read", "update" or "delete"
  • table - the table or table name
  • c - the controller name (overrides current.request)
  • f - the function name (overrides current.request)

Note: This method does not work on GAE because it uses JOIN and IN

s3_has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)

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Checks if user is member of group_id or role

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()

has_membership(self, group_id=None, user_id=None, role=None)

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Checks if user is member of group_id or role

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()

s3_requires_membership(self, role)

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Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated.

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()
  • Administrators (id=1) are deemed to have all roles

requires_membership(self, role)

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Decorator that prevents access to action if not logged in or if user logged in is not a member of group_id. If role is provided instead of group_id then the group_id is calculated.

Extends Web2Py's requires_membership() to add new functionality:

  • Custom Flash style
  • Uses s3_has_role()
  • Administrators (id=1) are deemed to have all roles

s3_make_session_owner(self, table, record_id)

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Makes the current session owner of a record

  • table - the table or table name
  • record_id - the record ID

s3_session_owns(self, table, record_id)

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Checks whether the current session owns a record

  • table - the table or table name
  • record_id - the record ID

s3_clear_session_ownership(self, table=None, record_id=None)

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Removes session ownership for a record

  • table - the table or table name (default: all tables)
  • record_id - the record ID (default: all records)

s3_update_record_owner(self, table, record, update=False, **fields)

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Update ownership fields in a record (DRY helper method for s3_set_record_owner and set_realm_entity)

  • table - the table
  • record - the record or record ID
  • update - True to update realm_entity in all realm-components
  • fields - dict of {ownership_field:value}

s3_set_record_owner(self, table, record, force_update=False, **fields)

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Set the record owned_by_user, owned_by_group and realm_entity for a record (auto-detect values).

To be called by CRUD and Importer during record creation.

  • table - the Table (or table name)
  • record - the record (or record ID)
  • force_update - True to update all fields regardless of the current value in the record, False to only update if current value is None
  • fields - override auto-detected values, see keywords
  • owned_by_user - the auth_user ID of the owner user
  • owned_by_group - the auth_group ID of the owner group
  • realm_entity - the pe_id of the realm entity, or a tuple (instance_type, instance_id) to lookup the pe_id, e.g. ("org_organisation", 2)
  • Only use with force_update for deliberate owner changes (i.e. with explicit owned_by_user/owned_by_group) - autodetected values can have undesirable side-effects. For mere realm updates use set_realm_entity instead.
  • If used with force_update, this will also update the realm_entity in all configured realm_components, i.e. no separate call to set_realm_entity required.

set_realm_entity(self, table, records, entity=0, force_update=False)

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Update the realm entity for records, will also update the realm in all configured realm-entities, see:

To be called by CRUD and Importer during record update.

  • table - the Table (or tablename)
  • records - - a single record
    • a single record ID
    • a list of records, or a Rows object
    • a list of record IDs
    • a query to find records in table
  • entity - - an entity ID
    • a tuple (table, instance_id)
    • 0 for default lookup

get_realm_entity(self, table, record, entity=0)

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Lookup the realm entity for a record

  • table - the Table
  • record - the record (as Row or dict)
  • entity - the entity (pe_id)

update_shared_fields(self, table, record, **data)

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Update the shared fields in data in all super-entity rows linked with this record.

  • table - the table
  • record - a record, record ID or a query
  • data - the field/value pairs to update

permitted_facilities(self, table=None, error_msg=None, redirect_on_error=True, facility_type=None)

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If there are no facilities that the user has permission for, prevents create & update of records in table & gives a warning if the user tries to.

  • table - the table or table name
  • error_msg - error message
  • redirect_on_error - whether to redirect on error
  • facility_type - restrict to this particular type of facilities (a tablename)

permitted_organisations(self, table=None, error_msg=None, redirect_on_error=True)

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If there are no organisations that the user has update permission for, prevents create & update of a record in table & gives an warning if the user tries to.

  • table - the table or table name
  • error_msg - error message
  • redirect_on_error - whether to redirect on error


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Return the current user's root organisation ID or None


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Return the current user's root organisation name or None

filter_by_root_org(self, table)

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Function to return a query to filter a table to only display results for the user's root org OR record with no root org

To Do: Restore Realms and add a role/functionality support for Master Data Then this function is redundant

Class Variable Details

