Package s3 :: Module s3organizer :: Class S3Organizer
[frames] | no frames]

Class S3Organizer

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     object --+    
s3rest.S3Method --+

Calendar-based CRUD Method

Instance Methods
apply_method(self, r, **attr)
Page-render entry point for REST interface.
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organizer(self, r, **attr)
Render the organizer view (HTML method)
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get_json_data(self, r, **attr)
Extract the resource data and return them as JSON (Ajax method)
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update_json(self, r, **attr)
Update or delete calendar items (Ajax method)
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Inherited from s3rest.S3Method: __call__, widget

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
parse_config(cls, resource)
Parse the resource configuration and add any fallbacks
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Static Methods
Parse an interval string of the format "<ISO8601>--<ISO8601>" into a pair of datetimes
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prefix_selector(resource, selector)
Helper method to prefix an unprefixed field selector
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formname(r) source code
Format a date/datetime as ISO8601 datetime string
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Inherited from s3rest.S3Method: crud_string


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

apply_method(self, r, **attr)

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Page-render entry point for REST interface.

  • r - the S3Request instance
  • attr - controller attributes
output object to send to the view
Overrides: s3rest.S3Method.apply_method

organizer(self, r, **attr)

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Render the organizer view (HTML method)

  • r - the S3Request instance
  • attr - controller attributes
dict of values for the view

get_json_data(self, r, **attr)

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Extract the resource data and return them as JSON (Ajax method)

@param r: the S3Request instance
@param attr: controller attributes

TODO correct documentation!
@returns: JSON string containing an array of items, format:
          [{"id": the record ID,
            "title": the record title,
            "start": start date as ISO8601 string,
            "end": end date as ISO8601 string (if resource has end dates),
            "description": array of item values to render a description,
            "editable": item date/duration can be changed (true|false),
            "deletable": item can be deleted (true|false),

update_json(self, r, **attr)

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Update or delete calendar items (Ajax method)

  • r - the S3Request instance
  • attr - controller attributes

parse_config(cls, resource)
Class Method

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Parse the resource configuration and add any fallbacks

@param resource: the S3Resource

@returns: the resource organizer configuration, format:
          {"start": S3ResourceField,
           "end": S3ResourceField or None,
           "use_time": whether this resource has timed events,
           "title": selector or callable to produce item titles,
           "description": list of selectors for the item description,

Static Method

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Parse an interval string of the format "<ISO8601>--<ISO8601>" into a pair of datetimes

  • intervalstr - the interval string
tuple of datetimes (start, end)

prefix_selector(resource, selector)
Static Method

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Helper method to prefix an unprefixed field selector

  • resource - the target resource
  • selector - the field selector
the prefixed selector

Static Method

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Static Method

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Format a date/datetime as ISO8601 datetime string

  • dt - the date/datetime instance
the ISO-formatted datetime string, or None if dt was None