Package s3 :: Module s3query :: Class S3Joins
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Class S3Joins

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object --+

A collection of joins

Instance Methods
__init__(self, tablename, joins=None)
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Iterate over the names of all joined tables in the collection
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__getitem__(self, tablename)
Get the list of joins for a table
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__setitem__(self, tablename, joins)
Update the joins for a table
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Return the number of tables in the join, for boolean test of this instance ("if joins:")
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Get a list of names of all joined tables
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Get a list of tuples (tablename, [joins]) for all joined tables
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Get a list of joins for all joined tables
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add(self, joins)
Add joins to this collection
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extend(self, other)
Extend this collection with the joins from another collection
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String representation of this collection
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as_list(self, tablenames=None, aqueries=None, prefer=None)
Return joins from this collection as list
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Methods
sort(cls, joins)
Sort a list of left-joins by their interdependency
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Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, tablename, joins=None)

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  • tablename - the name of the master table
  • joins - list of joins
Overrides: object.__init__


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Iterate over the names of all joined tables in the collection

__getitem__(self, tablename)
(Indexing operator)

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Get the list of joins for a table

  • tablename - the tablename

__setitem__(self, tablename, joins)
(Index assignment operator)

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Update the joins for a table

  • tablename - the tablename
  • joins - the list of joins for this table

(Length operator)

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Return the number of tables in the join, for boolean test of this instance ("if joins:")


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Get a list of names of all joined tables


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Get a list of tuples (tablename, [joins]) for all joined tables


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Get a list of joins for all joined tables

a nested list like [[join, join, ...], ...]

add(self, joins)

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Add joins to this collection

  • joins - a join or a list/tuple of joins
the list of names of all tables for which joins have been added to the collection

extend(self, other)

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Extend this collection with the joins from another collection

  • other - the other collection (S3Joins), or a dict like {tablename: [join, join]}
the list of names of all tables for which joins have been added to the collection

(Representation operator)

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String representation of this collection

Overrides: object.__repr__

as_list(self, tablenames=None, aqueries=None, prefer=None)

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Return joins from this collection as list

  • tablenames - the names of the tables for which joins shall be returned, defaults to all tables in the collection. Dependencies will be included automatically (if available)
  • aqueries - dict of accessible-queries {tablename: query} to include in the joins; if there is no entry for a particular table, then it will be looked up from current.auth and added to the dict. To prevent differential authorization of a particular joined table, set {<tablename>: None} in the dict
  • prefer - If any table or any of its dependencies would be joined by this S3Joins collection, then skip this table here (and enforce it to be joined by the preferred collection), to prevent duplication of left joins as inner joins: join = inner_joins.as_list(prefer=left_joins) left = left_joins.as_list()
a list of joins, ordered by their interdependency, which can be used as join/left parameter of

sort(cls, joins)
Class Method

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Sort a list of left-joins by their interdependency

  • joins - the list of joins