Package s3 :: Module s3widgets :: Class S3AddPersonWidget
[frames] | no frames]

Class S3AddPersonWidget

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??-311 --+

Widget for person_id (future also: human_resource_id) fields that
allows to either select an existing person (autocomplete), or to
create a new person record inline

- embedded fields configurable in deployment settings
- can use single name field (with on-submit name splitting),
  alternatively separate fields for first/middle/last names
- can check for possible duplicates during data entry
- fully encapsulated, works with regular validators (IS_ONE_OF)

=> Uses client-side script s3.ui.addperson.js (injected)

Instance Methods
__init__(self, controller=None, separate_name_fields=None, father_name=None, grandfather_name=None, year_of_birth=None, first_name_only=None, pe_label=False)
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__call__(self, field, value, **attributes)
Widget builder
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extract(self, record_id, fields, details=False, hrm=False)
Extract the data for a record ID
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get_contact_data(self, pe_id)
Extract the contact data for a pe_id; extracts only the first value per contact method
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embedded_form(self, label, widget_id, formfields, values)
Construct the embedded form
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get_label(self, fieldname)
Get a label for an embedded field
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get_widget(self, fieldname, field)
Get a widget for an embedded field; only when the field needs a specific widget => otherwise return None here, so the form builder will render a standard INPUT
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inject_script(self, widget_id, options, i18n)
Inject the necessary JavaScript for the widget
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inject_i18n(self, labels)
Inject translations for screen messages rendered by the client-side script
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validate(self, value)
Validate main input value
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parse(self, value)
Parse the main input JSON when the form gets submitted
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get_names(self, data)
Get first, middle and last names from the input data
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validate_email(self, value, person_id=None)
Validate the email address; checks whether the email address is valid and unique
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create_person(self, data)
Create a new record from form data
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Static Methods
Split a full name into first/middle/last
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Method Details

__init__(self, controller=None, separate_name_fields=None, father_name=None, grandfather_name=None, year_of_birth=None, first_name_only=None, pe_label=False)

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  • controller - controller for autocomplete
  • separate_name_fields - use separate name fields, overrides deployment setting
  • father_name - expose father name field, overrides deployment setting
  • grandfather_name - expose grandfather name field, overrides deployment setting
  • year_of_birth - use just year-of-birth field instead of full date-of-birth, overrides deployment setting
  • first_name_only - treat single name field entirely as first name (=do not split into name parts), overrides auto-detection, otherwise default for right-to-left written languages
  • pe_label - expose ID label field

__call__(self, field, value, **attributes)
(Call operator)

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Widget builder

  • field - the Field
  • value - the current or default value
  • attributes - additional HTML attributes for the widget

extract(self, record_id, fields, details=False, hrm=False)

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Extract the data for a record ID

  • record_id - the record ID
  • fields - the fields to extract, dict {propName: Field}
  • details - includes person details
  • hrm - record ID is a hrm_human_resource ID rather than person ID
dict of {propName: value}

get_contact_data(self, pe_id)

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Extract the contact data for a pe_id; extracts only the first value per contact method

  • pe_id - the pe_id
a dict {fieldname: value}, where field names correspond to the contact method (field map)

embedded_form(self, label, widget_id, formfields, values)

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Construct the embedded form

  • label - the label for the embedded form (= field label for the person_id)
  • widget_id - the widget ID (=element ID of the person_id field)
  • formfields - list of field names indicating which fields to render and in which order
  • values - dict with values to populate the embedded form
a DIV containing the embedded form rows

get_label(self, fieldname)

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Get a label for an embedded field

  • fieldname - the name of the embedded form field
the label

get_widget(self, fieldname, field)

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Get a widget for an embedded field; only when the field needs a specific widget => otherwise return None here, so the form builder will render a standard INPUT

  • fieldname - the name of the embedded form field
  • field - the Field corresponding to the form field
the widget; or None if no specific widget is required

inject_script(self, widget_id, options, i18n)

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Inject the necessary JavaScript for the widget

  • widget_id - the widget ID (=element ID of the person_id field)
  • options - JSON-serializable dict of widget options
  • i18n - translations of screen messages rendered by the client-side script, a dict {messageKey: translation}

inject_i18n(self, labels)

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Inject translations for screen messages rendered by the client-side script

  • labels - dict of translations {messageKey: translation}

validate(self, value)

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Validate main input value

  • value - the main input value (JSON)
tuple (id, error), where "id" is the record ID of the selected or newly created record

parse(self, value)

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Parse the main input JSON when the form gets submitted

  • value - the main input value (JSON)
tuple (data, error), where data is a dict with the submitted data like: {fieldname: value, ...}

get_names(self, data)

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Get first, middle and last names from the input data

  • data - the input data dict
dict with the name parts found

Static Method

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Split a full name into first/middle/last

  • name - the full name
tuple (first, middle, last)

validate_email(self, value, person_id=None)

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Validate the email address; checks whether the email address is valid and unique

  • value - the email address
  • person_id - the person ID, if known
tuple (value, error), where error is None if the email address is valid, otherwise contains the error message

create_person(self, data)

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Create a new record from form data

@param data - the submitted data

tuple (id, error), where "id" is the record ID of the newly created record